Little Office Booklets

We pray Prime from the Little Office each day, so that is what we are most familiar with. For a while there we were singing Compline too, but since then have gone back to Roman Compline.

The booklets should be available at

Here are some recordings.

Here's an article with more recordings from my family

Other Projects

A New Book of Old Hymns is a 92 page booklet of all the Gregorian chant an enthusiast might expect would be well known, plus a few rounds and other fun music.

First released around 2001, it has been refined over time and stands up a a vvery solid collection, great for introducing new comers to the treasures of sacred music.

The photo to the left is from a hymnal for my local Latin Mass which ended up being difficult to make widely available due to the inclusion of copyright hymns and then the issue of Canon Law requiring an Imprimatur for publishing books intended for prayer.