11 May

AT Rome, on the Salarian road, the birthday of blessed Anthimus, priest, who, after having distinguished himself by his virtues and preaching, was precipitated into the Tiber, in the persecution of Diocletian. He was rescued by an angel, and restored to his oratory. Being afterwards decapitated, he went victoriously to heaven.—The same day, St. Evelius, martyr, who belonged to the household of Nero. On seeing the martyrdom of St. Torpes, he believed in Christ, and for Him was beheaded.—Also, at Rome, the holy martyrs Maximus, Bassus, and Fabius, who were put to death on the Salarian way, in the time of Diocletian.—At Camerino, the holy martyrs Anastasius and his companions, who were killed in the persecution of Decius, under the governor Antiochus.—At Osimo, in the March of Ancona, the holy martyrs Sisinus, a deacon, Diocletius and Florentius, disciples of the priest St. Anthimus, who consummated their martyrdom under Diocletian by being overwhelmed with stones.—At Varennes, St. Gangulpus, martyr.—At Vienne, St. Mamertus, bishop, who, to avert an impending calamity, instituted in that city the three days’ Litanies immediately before the Ascension of our Lord. This rite was afterwards received and approved by the universal Church.—At Souvigny, the decease of St. Maieul, abbot of Cluny, whose life was distinguished for merits and holiness.—At San Severino, in the March of Ancona, St. Illuminatus, confessor.—At Grottaglia, in the diocese of Taranto, St. Francis Girolamo, confessor, of the Society of Jesus, renowned for his zeal for the salvation of souls, and for his patience. He was canonized by pope Gregory XVI. The day of his death is celebrated with great solemnity in the church of the professed house, at Naples, where his body rests.

And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors and holy virgins.

Thanks be to God.

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