9 July

AT Rome, in the place called the Dropever-falling, the birthday of St. Zeno, and ten thousand two hundred and three other martyrs.—At Gortyna, in Crete, in the persecution of Decius, under the governor Lucius, St. Cyril, a bishop, who was thrown into the flames without being injured, though his bonds were burnt. The judge, struck with awe at so great a miracle, set him at liberty, but as the saint began again immediately to preach the faith of Christ with zeal, he was beheaded.—In the town of Thora, on lake Velino, in Italy, the martyrdom of the Saints Anatolia and Audax, under the emperor Decius. Anatolia, a virgin consecrated to Christ, cured, through the whole province of Picenum, (now Ancona) many persons laboring under various infirmities, and made them believe in Christ. By order of the judge Fustinian, she was condemned to various kinds of punishments. She was cured of the sting of a serpent to which she had been exposed; a miracle which converted Audax to the faith. Finally she was transpierced with a sword, whilst her hands were extended in prayer. Audax was committed to prison, and being without delay sentenced to capital punishment, obtained the crown of a martyr.—At Alexandria, the holy martyrs Patermuthius, Copres, and Alexander, who were put to death under Julian the Apostate.—At Briel, in Holland, the martyrdom of the nineteen martyrs of Gorcum. For vindicating the authority of the Roman Church. and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. they endured various ignominies and torments from the Calvinist heretics, and ended their suffering by being put to death. In the year 1867, Pius IX. placed them among the holy martyrs.—At Martula, St. Brixius, bishop. Under the judge Marcian, after having suffered much for the confession of our Lord, and converted to Christ a great multitude of people, he rested in peace.—At Citta-di-Castello, St. Veronica Giuliani, a Capuchin nun, abbess of the monastery of that town. Born at Mercatelli, in the diocese of Urania, she became illustrious by her great love for suffering and other virtues, and by her heavenly gifts. She was inscribed among holy virgins by pope Gregory XVI.

And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors and holy virgins.

Thanks be to God.

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