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Fabiola - a Tale of the Catacombs

A legendary book that I was overjoyed to find in an Op Shop way back in 2001 (before kids). Something about pre-natal check-ups and waiting rooms meant that ...

Baby Monica

Sixth baby, second girl, second homebirth, first daytime birth. A new baby with two teenagers in the family.

Anki Catechism

Some years ago I had a go at using Anki to help learn the Baltimore Catechism. It probably helped a bit, but one of those things that dropped by the wayside.

Chemistry Videos

Chemistry lectures - no - open day Chemistry lectures were a memorable highlight of my time at University.

A Term on Medieval History

Last term we read through Charlotte Yonge’s History of Rome which leads up to my favourite topic - Medieval Europe.

Moodle For Home

Moodle is a Learning Management System - the big open source megalith of the Learning Management landscape.

Matching up Psalms

When we sing the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Latin I often wonder how much my children understand.

Bowler and Comenius

It’s the last week of Term 3 and I’ve come up with two things.


I got tired of cheap scapulars falling apart. I started looking up how to make your own. The Catholic Encylopedia has an article on Scapulars which says:

Moodling on the LAN

A few years ago I tried installing Moodle on my shared web hosting only to find out that you need more than regular shared hosting to run Moodle.

Educational TV

Sometimes you can actually find useful things from the National Broacaster.

Hot Potatoes in Wordpress

This page started life as an incoherent test post, but turns out to be one of the most popular articles, so here goes making it coherent.

Guinea Pigs

As if we didn’t already have enough cute going on around here.

Chesterbelloc copywork

Here are some ideas for copywork from Project Gutenberg. Each link takes you to the ebook page. The HTML format is good for cutting and pasting into a word p...


Peter has made himself a recumbent trike.

DIY handwriting worksheets with LaTeX

There are several handwriting fonts already designed in METAFONT - the native font engine for TeX and family. Most of these are German, one Austrian, one Fr...


We did the Christus Rex Pilgrimage!

A Curriculum for 2010

I'm writing this in late August, so maybe not so much a plan as a report.

A Curriculum for 2009

Perhaps not the school-in-a-box experience, but I'm thinking about a plan for this year.