Baby Monica
Sixth baby, second girl, second homebirth, first daytime birth. A new baby with two teenagers in the family.

Sacraments 2015

Woodford Pool aka Paradise Beach

I got tired of cheap scapulars falling apart. I started looking up how to make your own. The Catholic Encylopedia has an article on Scapulars which says:

Melbourne 2014
Most of us went to Melbourne again.

Guinea Pigs
As if we didn’t already have enough cute going on around here.

Peter has made himself a recumbent trike.

Baby Elizabeth
Good News! We have a baby girl!

We did the Christus Rex Pilgrimage!
Older photo posts:
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- Bernard's Birth and Baptism
- Three Boys June 2005
- Anthony's Birth and Baptism
- Patrick and Chris - November 2004
- A day with Nanna and Granddad - March 2004
- Patrick and Christopher (and Mum and Dad) - November 2003
- Patrick and Christopher - August 2003
- Christopher's Birth and Baptism
- Patrick's Birth, Baptism and Baby photos
- Brandt Garb Guide
- Peter's Minis