Home Education
Year by year plans: 2010, 2009.
This is my homeschooling webpage. It paints a picture of our family's approach to homeschooling. A related page is my Teaching resources page which I started pre-motherhood. There you can find bits and pieces related to specific areas of learning. Here more general resources about homeschooling.
You might also check my blog posts on homeschooling
There are lots of web sites about homeschooling out there. Love2learn is a website of favourite resources for Catholic homeschoolers based in America. It is a good start for browsing the multitude of publishers and curriculum providers in the US. They also post new links via twitter.
Here in Australia we have the Home Education Association Inc., Australia. It provides public liability insurance for smaller groups who need insurance to hire halls and to hold certain activities. There's also Homeschool Australia Newsletter by Beverley Paine, a great work encouraging practical day to day learning.
Forums / Mailling Lists
Catholic Homeschoolers Forum A group of Australian homeschoolers, open to new members. A descendent of the Keeping In Touch newsletter.
Marium Regnum Familiae - a group of mostly mothers sharing their journey through homeschooling. They also set up an online forum.
Cardinal Newman Faith Resources Merrylands, Western Sydney. This is a great shop with links to Fr. Tierney, author of the Bush Boys books about homeschooling families in settings not dissimilar to the Blue Mountains. There, under downloads, you'll find archives of Keeping In Touch - a quarterly newsletter edited by different homeschooling families around Australia (though mostly NSW)
Mustard Seed Bookshop Fantastic shop in Lidcombe, Sydney. I'm writing this just after their mid year sale. They are part of the Catholic Education Office - or something like that - which has been revitalised since Cardinal Pell came to Sydney.
Fidelity Books an offshoot of the J23 co-op. Lots of Catholic books. Based in Melbourne.
Fountain Resources sells specifically Catholic homeschooling books, especially with a Charlotte Mason style.
St. Rita's Books Traditional Catholic bookshop.
Portico Books with a beautiful shop right near the historic St. Patrick's Church in Sydney. Many beautiful books too, as well as stationery.
Adnil Press A Classical Homeschooling publisher and bookshop supplying Australia and beyond. They have some home grown Australian history resources. Probably the best place for Australian history. Also stocking Latina Christiana and other language resources.

Blogs are more personal websites that some families use to share day to day news and events. The mailing lists and forums listed above can be a great starting point for finding more of these websites. A homeschooling mother from Hawaii has set up the Catholic Homeschooling Blog Directory which can help you find other homeschoolers in your area.
Here are a handful to start with:
and me: Veronica's miscellaney